Lambda functions ( or "anonymous functions," as they are often referred to) are simply throwaway functions that can be defined at any time and are typically bound to a variable. Lambda函数(或者通常所谓的“匿名函数”)是可以随时定义的简单抛弃型函数,并且通常都与变量绑定。
An anonymous function is defined within the context of another function, usually by assigning it to a delegate variable. 匿名函数通常通过分配到一个代理变量,来在其他函数的上下文中定义。
Type Inference-The var keyword, which is necessary when using anonymous types, can also reduce redundancy in your other variable declarations. 类型推断–使用匿名类型时,关键字var必不可少。它还能减少你其他变量声明中的冗余。